The basics
If you haven't installed Flory yet, follow the installation guide.
Setting up
The general structure of a Flory simulation is simple:
- Instantiate a descendant of
- Add a bunch of
objects to your environment withFlory.Environment.add(entity)
. - Call
in a loop to advance the time step and simulate according to theFlory.Environment.update
To visualize a simulation you need to call Flory.Environment.enableVisualization(canvas,data)
with a canvas id and data object containing rendering settings. Similarly, to stop the visualization call Flory.Environment.disableVisualization
Custom Environments
Flory provides a range of intuitive interfaces for creating simulations.
There are two ways to set up custom simulations:
- Create your own descendant of
. - Make use of handlers in the built-in
environment to define you own single-entity-wise update functions.
Fields are exclusive to the Flory.Newtonian
environment. They can be used to define pair-wise potentials, global potentials or discrete global potentials.
All fields implement the properties below.
Value | Description | Type |
data.field |
the function or list of {point,force} objects that define this field. |
function or array
getForce(entity) |
Calculates and returns the force on the given Flory.Particle based on its properties. This is implemented differently depending on the type of field.
scale(num) |
Globally multiplies the magnitude of the field by num
clone |
Returns a clone of the field. |
Continuous Field
Using Flory.Newtonian
you can abstract global continuous fields. To declare a Flory.ContinuousField
, simply provide it with a function that takes a Flory.Particle
object and returns the force applied on the object.
Pair-wise fields
Using Flory.Newtonian
you can abstract pair wise fields. To declare a Flory.PairWiseField
, simply provide it with a function that takes 2 Flory.Particle
objects and returns the force applied on the first particle.
Field 2-D
Using Flory.Newtonian
you can abstract a discrete 2-D field. To declare a Flory.Field2D
, simply provide it with an list of objects with the properties position
and vector
. Where vector
is the force associated at position position
returns the force associated with the closest position
to the entity.position
Built in environments
Flory comes with built-in environments for you to explore.
Random Walk
The random walk allows you define a random walk experiment.
To start the random walk experiment, instantiate a Flory.RandomWalk(data)
object and add entities. The valid values for data
object are below.
Value | Description | Default | Type |
seed |
The seed for the Mersenne Twister random generator. |
current time
step_size |
The size of the step for each call to Flory.RandomWalk.advance
Lennard Jones
This defines an optimized Lennard-Jones potential.
To start a Lennard-Jones experiment, instantiate a Flory.LennardJones(data)
object and add entities. The valid values for data
object are below.
Value | Description | Default | Type |
epsilon |
The value of epsilon in the Lennard Jones potential. |
sigma |
The value of sigma in the Lennard Jones potential. |
far_cutoff_distance |
The cutoff distance at which the potential between two entities will not be calculated. |
The Newtonian environment simulates an environment where forces applied to objects are used to calculate the change in velocity and position.
It is compatible with the Flory.baseField
descendants so you can define custom global potentials, or pair wise potentials.
If we want a simple potential, we need not define a field, we can simply pass an anonymous function handler when we instantiate the Flory.Newtonian
object which will be called for all entities during the main loop.
To start a Newtonian experiment, instantiate a Flory.Newtonian(handler)
object and add entities. The handler
object should be a valid function, however it can be left undefined
Flory provides a range of vector objects that are optimized for ease of use and performance.
Depending on the specific class of vector used, different properties are available. However, all vector classes are guaranteed to contain the properties below.
The arguments provided for any function properties need not be of the same dimensional vector class.
Unless otherwise stated, if a function returns a vector, then it will be of the same class as the callee.
Value | Description | Type |
components |
An array containing the components of the vector. |
dimension |
Returns the dimension of the vector. |
add(a) |
Adds the vector a to the current calling object.
sub(a) |
Subtracts the vector a from the current calling object.
scale(num) |
Multiplies all elements of the vector by num .
mult(num) |
Returns a new vector that is a copy of object.scale(num) .
dot(a) |
Returns the dot product of the vector with vector a .
length |
Returns the magnitude of the vector. |
lengthSq |
Returns the magnitude squared of the vector. |
distanceTo(a) |
Calculates the distance from the vector to vector a
distanceToSq |
Calculates the squared distance from vector to vector a
zero |
Zeros all the components of the vector. |
negate |
Same as scale(-1) .
normalize |
Normalizes the vector. |
clone |
Returns a clone of the vector. |
Vector 2-D
is optimized for 2-D vector calculations. As such it optimizes the basic vector operations above for 2-d. It additionally provides access to the below properties:
Value | Description | Type |
x |
The x components of the vector |
y |
The y components of the vector |
cross(vec) |
Returns the cross product of the vector with vector vec and assumes that the object.z = 0
Vector 3-D
is optimized for 3-D vector calculations. The properties are below.
Value | Description | Type |
x |
The x components of the vector |
y |
The y components of the vector |
z |
The z components of the vector |
cross(vec) |
Returns the cross product of the vector with vector vec .
Vector N-D
is optimized for general N-D vector calculations. It implements all the properties from Flory.baseVector
in addition to:
Value | Description | Type |
cross(vec) |
Returns the cross product of the vector with vector vec .
Rendering settings
When calling Flory.Environment.enableVisualization(canvas,data)
, the valid properties for data
are below.
Value | Description | Default |
fov |
The field of view for the camera. | 60 |
near_clip |
The near clip cutoff for the rendering camera. | 0.1 |
far_clip |
The far clip cutoff for the rendering camera. | 10000 |
size |
A 2 element array representing width and height. | size of canvas |
camera_position |
The 3-D position of the camera. | [80,80,70] |
auto_resize |
Automatically change canvas size on browserresize event. |
true |
clearColor |
The background color of the visualization. | 0xFFFFFF |
axis |
Show world position axes. | true |
axisSize |
The size of the axes. | 10 |
grid |
Show a grid. | true |
gridPlane |
The plane of the grid. Valid values are 2-character string permutations of ("x","y","z"). | "xy" |
gridSize |
The size of the grid. | 10 |
For more flexibility, you can define your own environment. To do this, you create a class that inherits from Flory.Environment
and then you can override the methods below. Keep in mind, that you are only required to override Flory.Environment.update
, the rest are optional. For an example for how to inherit a class, checkout the example for inheritance.
Value | Description |
update(data) |
Called before rendering during the Flory.Environment.advance(data) call. In order to have results rendered to the screen, this function should update the position of the entities in Flory.Environment.entities . |
removedEntity(entity,id,index) |
Called after an entity has been removed from the environment. entity is the removed entity and id is its id ,with index being the index of entity in Flory.Environment.entities before removal. |
addedEntity(entity) |
Called after an entity has been added from the environment. entity is the removed entity |
setUpVisualization(data) |
Called at the end of Flory.Environment.enableVisualization(data) |
disabledVisualization |
Called at the of Flory.Environment.disabledVisualization() |
resetEnvironment |
This can be directly called to reset the environment. |
Build Options
Flory uses the grunt build system in a different way. While it does offer the simplicity of just typing npm install;grunt;
into the terminal, it also makes use command line parameters similar to the three.js build system. The options for the build system are shown below.
For example:
grunt --minify --output custom_folder/flory.js
to minify the library intocustom_folder/flory.js.min
grunt --minify --include my_light_weight/include.json
to minify a list of includes into the defaultbuild/flory.js.min
Value | Description | Default |
--minify |
If this flag is set, then the library will be minified into the --output +.min . |
false |
--include |
The relative or absolute path to a json file containing an array of file paths where order indicates how the source files for the build will be included. Use this as an example for building your own. | utils/build/includes/source.json |
--externs |
The relative or absolute path to a js file defining the externs for the closure compiler during the minification step. | ./externs/common.js |
--output |
The path of output file for this build.If the sourcemaps flag is selected, then the sourcemap is added as --output . Similarly, if the --minify flag is set, then the minified file is added as --output +.min |
build/flory.js |
--sourcemaps |
A flag that when set indicates that source maps should be generated in the same directory as the output. | false |